Johnny and I were lucky enough to go with Isaac on his first field trip with Preschool. We went to the Black Island Farms Pumpkin Patch. It was so cute and Isaac had a blast with his preschool friends! Lea had fun too.
While we were on the wagon ride with giddy, excited kids Johnny got a call from MarketStar offering him a job! What a time to accept a job! For those who don't know, John has been out of work for two months now. We were so excited to finally have a job offer after waiting for what seemed like FOREVER! Unfortunately we weren't able to scream and jump up and down while we were on the ride. Thank you M*!
Here are some cute pics of the kids while we were there. Lea had three different hairdo's during the trip. The rubberbands kept coming out of her hair!

It looks like Isaac has a black eye but it's just a spot on John's lens.

Carrots that the "Corn Cops" picked for the kids to take home.