We had so much fun in Disneyland! We went with John's brother, Donald, and his family. We could not have enjoyed ourselves more! Apart from lack of sleep, too much junk food, and so much entertainment packed into five days our kids did surprisingly well!
We got there on Monday Feb 11th at around 9:30 and quickly drove to the hotel where we changed out of our long pants and sweatshirts to shorts and short sleeve to head to Disneyland! The weather was amazing, about 80 degrees for two days! The rest of the time was like springtime in Utah, which is just fine with me!
Janessa's favorite ride was Alice in Wonderland. We coaxed her to go on a couple of rides that she didn't really want to but she did pretty well! Isaac was our adventurous one and would have gone on anything had he been a little taller! His favorite ride was Pirates of the Carribean- he still asks if he can go on it everyday!
Janessa got an autograph book for the characters to sign and when the trip was over and she hadn't gotten all the signatures we both came up with the brilliant idea for Mom to forge the rest! She thought I did a pretty good job of forging! Hopefully this example doesn't lead to any mischievousness on her part!
We had so much fun being with cousins and family while we were there! John was lucky to have Donald there to go on the BIG rides with, since I was a little incapacitated and couldn't go on some of the fun rides. I was glad he was able to act like a kid for most of the time- he needed it!