September 11, 2008

Bonding Time

Johnny and Isaac went four-wheeling up to the "B" in Bountiful yesterday. They had so much fun! They saw some deer, squirrels, birds (at least this is what Isaac told me, who knows what they really saw). I was glad that they took the camera with them and took some fun pictures! I was also glad that they came home safe! Oh, by the way, check out Isaac's outfit that he chose to wear! Hot Stuff!


Kattelman Krew said...

We are so jealous! we have been deprived of mountains for too long :) Mark can't wait for our kids to get old enough to take on adventures. Your family is adorable, and those hats in our blog are so fun to make for kids, they look like little grownups. We move back to Utah in December so I can teach you if your interested, its so easy -otherwise I wouldn't do it :) but I sell them too, it's just a matter of what size is comfortable...

Annie said...

Fun. Isaac is quite marvelous! I guess John's nice too.

Our Little Corner said...

Yes, that is one sweet outfit. What cute boys you have!

loven it! said...

love bonding time!! we need to get together!! sooner than later!! when does isaac have pre school? maybe we could meet in the middle one day for a yummy breakfast!! let me know what you think. sarah goes tues. thurs.

Our Family said...

such cute pics. we still need to get together one of these days. next weekend grandpa and grandma creed come. you should try to come up for a weekend with all the cousins. how is job hunting going for john? we think of you guys all the time. :) Katie