April 17, 2008

When Will Lea Be Here?

Okay, so we have come up with a name for this little baby of ours. We have decided on Lea, however, upon seeing her when she is born the name is subject to change without notice. We sure are excited though. A small update on "our" progress...last Tuesday (April 8th- 36 weeks) I was dilated to a whopping 1...this week (April 15th- 37 weeks) I was a whopping 1 again, I was 60% effaced though! Woo hoo! I don't know if hitting my two week early mark will happen again but I guess we can still be hopeful.

I am ready as far as the crib being up, diapers purchased, clothing washed, bags packed, etc. I don't now about being mentally ready. The thought of waking up every two hours in the middle of the night is haunting me. I know the kids are excited though. Isaac told my sister the other day that I had had the baby and she was out now! They are so funny about the whole thing.


loven it! said...

yeah!! it is kind of a scary feeling when it gets so close!! yikes. at this point i get excited to think about what they will look like! especially yours because they look soooooo different!! i wonder if she will be light or dark...good luck!! let's do lunch this week if you haven't had her yet...tell john to get ready for some diaper changing!

Karen said...

I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about it and see that beautiful girl. Good luck with the last couple of weeks.