Well she made it! Here is the story of how Lea's life began:
On Monday I was having contractions all day, they got worse around 6:00 pm and they were about 6-7 minutes apart. I called the hospital and told them my condition and told them I did not want to be sent home. They assured me that since it was my third baby that I would probably not be sent home. So we headed in. My mom and dad met us at the hospital and took Janessa and Isaac to sleep over at their house.
We arrived in Labor and Delivery around 9:30 pm and they started the process...I was dilated to a three and 80% effaced. After a half an hour of being monitored the nurse told me I could get up and walk around to see if I could make more progress. I pretty much ran, skipped, and jumped down the halls for 30 minutes to make ANYTHING happen. When she checked me again I was a 3.5. Since they like to you dilate a full cm I had to run the halls again- I told the nurse that I WAS NOT GOING HOME! I advised her that the last time I had to have my water broken and I went fast after that! So after two hours of being in the hospital I had only progressed 1/2 of a cm. She called the Dr. and luckily she said it was up to me whether I wanted to stay or not! I was finally admitted to the hospital.
After that it was smooth sailing! I had my epidural (not a chance without that thing), my water broken, and about 3 hours later Lea was born. I only had to push about 6-8 times and she was out! Lea was coming out posterior though (face up) and her heart rate dropped pretty fast. They had to get her out quick so that is probably why I didn't have to push much.
Lea Kalei wieghed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and was 21 inches long. She has beautiful long dark brown hair. She hasn't really opened her eyes much so we don't know if they will be light or dark. She doesn't really look like anyone in our family- just like our other kids, she has her very own look.
She is perfect in every way and we can't wait for you to be able to see her! We love her so much!