Aloha from the snowy mountains of Utah, December 2007
We hope this Christmas letter finds you all well and enjoying the holidays! We are doing great. This year has kept us as busy as ever.
John is finally done with school! He graduated on December 14th. We are so excited and don’t know what to do with all the extra time. I am sure John will find something to hunt or catch in his spare time. We are just excited to have him home more. I am so proud of him and his endurance through such a difficult task. John was able to go Antelope hunting this year and got a beautiful buck. He was so proud! The meat however was not so good. Oh well, I am not too disappointed! John recently left Marketstar and started a new job at a company called Ingenix. He is now selling medical coding books to Physicians offices, etc. It is a much tougher job than his previous one and he is trying to decide if the benefits outweigh the negative. He is a wonderful dad and still wrestles a lot with the kids. He and Isaac are good buddies. John is a primary teacher for the 6-7 year olds and he is great at it! We are sure proud of our daddy and we are so grateful for him too!
I (Kristin) am once again pregnant. Number three has given me a run for my money but I am finally feeling “normal”. I am 20 weeks (5 months) along now and we just found out that we are having another GIRL! I wanted this baby to be a surprise and not find out what the sex was but I was too impatient. I have kept myself busy, pretty much every day, trying to find something to eat that sounds decent. Now that I feel a little better I realize how neglected my house and my family have been. I have a lot of work ahead of me now. In my “spare” time my sister-in-law and I have been working on a little business selling our handmade cards. Right now we have almost 100 cards in a little sweet shop in Ogden. We are proud of our work and if anyone is in need of a darling card and you are near Ogden, feel free to stop in and buy one! I was just called to be in the Primary Presidency (2nd couns.) and I am enjoying it a lot. In January our whole family will be in Primary together; that will be fun!
Janessa (6) is the love of our life. She started first grade this year and is such a smart girl. She is a great reader and loves to do math. If you were to ask her what her favorite thing about school is she would say it is school lunch. She eats the same thing every day! Janessa is a wonderful helper to me! She was very concerned about me being pregnant and would make sure I got to choose where we ate out. She came up with some great names for the baby, Twinkle if it’s a girl and Storm if it’s a boy. She also brought up Russell and Louise. Janessa started taking Hula lessons this year and she is quite good! She picks things up pretty fast and can shake her hips pretty good too. She is getting a little burned out on it and wants to try cheerleading or ballet instead. We’ll see what we can do. Janessa is a wonderful daughter and big sister. She can’t wait to help with the new baby! We love her!
Isaac (3) Oh where do I begin!? Isaac keeps us either laughing hard or yelling harder. What a personality! Isaac still loves to play swords, cowboys, or football. He is such a sweet boy and is very caring about others. He is very protective of his sister, especially if she is getting in trouble. Isaac is a very brave warrior too. He has been going with me to watch all of the hula performances and is amazed by the boys that do the Haka (Maori warrior chant). He picked up the chant really fast and a couple of months later he was performing, at will, in front of hundreds of people. It really is amazing! Isaac has a very good memory and loves to memorize books. He is also very good at giving blessings. One day I was feeling really sick and he found me crying on the floor of my bedroom. He sweetly asked if I needed a blessing, I told him I would wait for daddy to come home. He insisted that he give me one. While he “got ready” Janessa came in too. They both put their hands on my head and Isaac said, “Mommy Trimming, by the thordian…” Janessa soon interrupted and said, “No Isaac, you have to say the Milky priesthood”. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Isaac has become mommy’s little helper at home too. We love to go to lunch together and yesterday while we were shopping at Wal-Mart he turned to me and said, “Mom, we’re on a date together, huh?” He is my little boyfriend.
Well, that is it for the Trimming clan. I am sure there is much that I am leaving out but I am pregnant and forgetful. We love you all and wish you a very Happy Holiday season!
1 comment:
Hey Kristin-
We sure miss you guys! Your kids are getting so big! I hope your pregnancy is doing well. Look forward to viewing your blog often!
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